[T-Shirt Tuesdays] Young Rebellion releases a commemorative T-Shirt for Grenada’s Independence

Another budding T-Shirt company based in Grenada – Young Rebellion have created a T-Shirt commemorating the island’s 40 years of independence from British rule. The caption “Forward Ever, Backward Never” were words spoken Grenada’s revolutionary leader Maurice Bishop.

“We are young; we are creators of the different; the ones that dare to lead and never follow.We exceed the limitations set by those that questioned our ability to inspire and motivate. We belong not with the ones that stand in but the ones that stand out; we are not average but profound thinkers, dreamers and hard workers.

To beat is never our goal but to teach others by using our life lessons as a class. We are built to express ourselves in art forms that others can’t, walking by faith not by sight. We are believers and we can do whatever we want despite what others may think or say. This is the revolution of the young!”

