Janks Morton, Director of WHAT BLACK MEN THINK has recently been commissioned to make a sequel for the Documentary Channel (US). He is looking for street based interviews in London (with members of the black community) where two key questions are asked about stereotyping. http://whatblackmenthink.com/hoodwinked/
The questions are;
2. (Follow up question) Why do you feel that?
He would like to interviews to be shot on iPhones (or any other suitable technology). They should be on location (i.e. on the street) and they should be shot HORIZONTALLY. Ideally with 10 – 20 people interviewed. He is not looking for anything fancy. He just wants to get a variety of views about cultural stereotyping where black men are concerned.
The clips will be featured in the documentary and any filmmakers whose work is included will be credited.
Submission deadline: April 14th (videos will need to be sent electronically).
For more information, please contact janksmorton@gmail.com