Of all the things I’ve come to love about t-shirts and the process of concept to final product, there’s nothing like applying fresh fabric paint to a t-shirt and creating something that you can’t find anywhere else, it’s definitely something that I miss doing.
Houston based artist Retina Zygi’s work definitely backs hand painted memories! Speaking about her art she says:
In the beginning, t-shirts were my canvas of choice because it was my way of not looking like every other girl that shopped at the local mall in high school.
My shirts are usually inspired by a lyric, a bold individual, or some type of statutory culture movement going on that I support. Growing up, I was always the girl breaking down music and extruding its lyrical content to find the deeper meaning. I’m very passionate about art, words, and the way that artists are able to interpret certain beliefs and mold them into justified thoughts through words. Often– I create ART as a result from being inspired by another artist which I find powerful!