The Black British Filmmaker’s Guide to Success addresses the need for an up-to-date, practical resource that caters specifically for black content work. It has been written as a guide for black British filmmakers. The guide also bears relevance to the wider international community of black filmmakers and filmmakers of other backgrounds making black content, or other cultural specific work.
As part of actor Tim Reid’s Legacy Media Institute programme, Nadia Denton introduces her book – a guide which outlines funding, marketing and distribution opportunities for filmmakers. Nadia Denton – former director of the BFM International Film Festival – will take questions and be joined by special guests in this interactive morning session.
The event is free to ticket holders for the afternoon screening of The Mark of the Hawk which will be introduced by Tim Reid.
There’s also a two week intensive course being put on for aspiring black filmmakers to collaborate with top UK and Hollywood industry professionals. Under the guidance of Director/Producer, Tim Reid, the participants will be exposed to the expert advice of other established industry professionals such as: award-winning cinematographer John Simmons, ASC, Joan Whitehead Evans, an industry Senior VP of Business and Legal Affairs, Miko Simmons, a graphic design artist, and Ken Roy, a producer and post-production supervisor. Various UK industry professionals will also join the group.
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