Celebrating 2 years of thenublack

Yay, thenublack is 2 years old today :). That’s pretty much it, lol. I’ll admit that after the show as put on hold I really had no real idea of what I wanted to do to celebrate getting to 2 years. Party? Photoshoot? T-Shirt Giveaway? A video?

Oh yes, the new layout…I thought it needed to be changed so I spent the week checking and unchecking boxes. I basically reset the WHOLE thing when all I needed to do was not that major – ah well, the mini heart attack I had when I thought 2 years of posts wouldn’t load was not an experience I’d wish on anyone, lol.

With it being BHM, I thought I’d keep the whole month as a celebration of the blog so watch this space for things popping up – there will be SOMETHING.

Thanks to everyone that’s supported the blog, the late night conversations, words of encouragement and Retweets have been a blessing.

If you guys have any suggestions, questions, anything at all (apart from whether I’ll give you a free t-shirt…), then drop me an e-mail.

See you the same time next year,

Gabi x
