iamthenublack: Amon-Re of Fivelocs Clothing

introduce yourself

My name is Amon-Re Crosby and I co-own Five Locs clothing with my twin brother Jeramon Crosby. Five Locs is clothing for the urban trendsetters. Our Logo is a symbol of five dread locs, which represent originality. We are currently based in Atlanta, GA and Harlem, NY.

fav lyric from a song

“You got to have style and learn to be original”.

My Philosophy, KRS-ONE

This lyric sums up what Five Locs is all about.

who and what inspires you?

I’m inspired by the hip-hop culture; I also get inspire by different graphic artist worldwide. I like going to Barnes & Nobles and other bookstores. NYC inspires me also.

icons past & present

My icons are past: Marcus Garvey, Harriet Tubman, Richard Pryor and Malcolm X. Present : Russell Simmons, Barack Obama and Berry Gordy.

the nublack philosophy/mantra according to FiveLocs

“We do things today that most people aren’t willing to do, so we can afford to do things tomorrow that most people can’t afford to do.”

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