Although I’m still relitavely young (but still nearly old enough for it to be rude to ask my age) I have a connection when I see movies/videos from an era before my birth.
I remember the first time I saw Gnarls Barkley perform, and then reading an interview with them and finding it funny that a lot of people thought CeeLo was a brand new artist when he’d been around for a good minute (and laughing even harder when people thought Fergie had always been with the Black Eyed Peas…umm NEH EH). It made me realise what geniuses he and Danger Mouse are – to be able to re-create yourself without selling out and still gain a following.
This video for me is like when I saw The Office in the UK for the first time and thought it was actually a documentary, lol. Something about the show and also this video that seems so of it’s time yet it was made this year. Just shows that you can make a video without the use of a big booty, spinning rims or a cameo appearance from a random member of your ‘crew’.
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