“We all come from the same mould with many narratives”
– Chantal Miller, ChantiMedia
This was just one of the many gems that was given at last month’s Social Media panel ‘The Power of the Digital Diaspora’. Six influential digital content creators (including myself in the end as one of the panelists was unable to attend) gathered at KweekWeek’s offices to speak about how they were utilising the digital space to tell their stories.
Hosted by Guardian journalist (and proud Nigerian) Bim Adewunmi the discussion looked the reasons why the panelists started their platforms, digital trends, the Western relationship with Africa and how it could be improved as well as questions submitted by the audience.
The evening seemed to fly by and before long it was time to wrap up and give thanks to our panelists (two of whom joined us via Google Hangout) and to those who made the event possible.
Attendees and panelists were given the opportunity to network and discuss further after the event over light nibbles and music. With photos taken, and numbers exchanged we wrapped up what I’d say was a successful and very inspiring event!
Check out Storify for a round up of the panel discussion and our video people of the session below.
view more photos from the event