[Video] Kinetic Typography: Dr Martin Luther King Jr – ‘Drum Major Instinct’


Today commemorates the birth of one of history’s greatest orators, civil rights leader and inspiration to many Dr Martin Luther King. A national holiday in America it was first observed 26 years ago in 1986.

Dr King’s ‘Drum Major Instinct’ speech is one that I wasn’t as familiar with until recently but having come across this kinetic typography piece over the weekend, I thought it would be fitting.

Kinetic typography has become more popular in the past few years with the likes of Jay-Z and most recently Ceelo Green using it to create an interesting take on their videos.

Alex Verlan of Versa Studios has created a visual display of Luther King’s inspiring Drum Major Instinctspeech. It’s nothing new to recreate a speech video using moving text, but it’s the poetic culmination of the words into a portrait of the man himself that sets this piece aside from the others.

via portable

