My name is Nijla. I’m a writer, filmmaker, and photographer from the SF Bay Area. At the core, I’m a storyteller with an eye for the subtle and profound. I am concerned with exposing the most intimate details of the human condition. I write poems, prose, screenplays, take photographs, and direct movies. I’m currently working on the development of a feature length film entitled Salaam. We just completed the production of the trailer, which will be released in late June. I’m also working on a chapbook of poems. Stay tuned.
fav lyric from a song
I’ve used a quote:
An artist is someone who wills into being something that didn’t exist before their doing it.”
-Rebecca Walker
who and what inspires you?
My mother, who raised me to love myself. Everyday people who defy injustice, boundaries, and categories. Bold artists who take risks with their work, and create from spaces of pain, discomfort, and/or repression because their life, and the lives of others, depends on it.
icons past & present
Frida Kahlo, Malcolm X, James Baldwin, Harriet Tubman, June Jordan, Mahmoud Darwish, Lucille Clifton.
the nublack philosophy/mantra according to Nijla Mumin
Everyone has a distinct, textured story. Create from that place. Appreciate and nurture it.
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