iamthenublack: Joshua ‘Juicy J’ Hooper


introduce yourself

My name is Joshua Hooper. I’m a full-time  graphic artist/ illustrator, part-time blogger, and an aspiring super-villain. My art alias is Juicy J. I’m based out of Atlanta, Georgia, but plan to move west to California, because that’s where I hear it’s going down. Been considering legally changing my name to Joshua Rambo Jones III to sound more…”money!”

fav lyric from a song

I don’t listen to much music with lyrics as I’m into mainly Drum N’ Bass, Electro and IDM, but I’m going to have to go with

“Take a pictures trick, I’m on a boat bitch”

– I’m on a Boat, Lonely Island

who and what inspires you?

Books and movies! I guess right now I’m big into Eckhart Tolle and his teaching. I recommend everyone read the book, THE POWER OF NOW. It’s and inspirational read. I also a big movie nerd, and inspired by movie directors who have unique visions. Irronically, I don’t follow much art.

icons past & present

Allot of people these days have this delusional sense of grandeur to be LEGENDS! It’s insanity. I don’t aim to be anyone one, just me. I think I already beat the game of life, no need to try and  “make it” and be something I’m not. I do like Riddick from the Chronicles of Riddick. He’s fictional but he’s such a badass. Rambo is awesome too.

the nublack philosophy/mantra according to Juicy J

Don’t live a fear based life, but rather a life a life of adventure. Life is short – don’t waste being a spectator.

Check me out

PixelPimp (my website)

Greedmont Park (my blog)
