Etsy is like Aladdin’s cave to me! If you’re into vintage finds, handmade gifts and anything unique – Etsy is the place to go. I stumbled across Urban Bazaar and fell in love with their take on the WWII ‘Keep Calm and Carry On’ posters.
I got in touch with them an asked them about their work:
My wife and I have an art direction and design company in Atlanta. For years we’ve just doing advertising, but now we are pushing out making designs for other things. This poster series is just one of our latest ventures.
These were created as a sort of homage to the 20’s war posters from England, “Keep calm & Carry on.” I thought those posters were great. They were a very clean design and austere in their layout and message. I wanted to adapt those and make them really more relevant for a new audience.
This isn’t the first time they’ve been redone. But this may be the first redo for the African Diaspora. The main theme is all about up lifting the pride.
Craig & Brooke Brimm of Culture-Ad