Remember my dream house with the art gallery room? This guy’s work would be permanently featured in there. If you read URB magazine and remember Ms Badu and Jay Electronica’s cover – Goldi Gold’s digital illustration of it was just magnificent.
He was also chosen (along with Ron Ackins) as one of the artists to show work at the BK Honours Spike Lee Exhibition that I went to in Brooklyn.
introduce yourself
I’m goldi gold that unknown but known dude from jersey. But I presently rest my head in Atlanta. I’m a digital artist who create art for the people to learn from, enjoy or relate to.I do art shows when I’m not a part of them and I’m part owner of a clothing line called Jungle45 dedicated to the products of the konkrete jungle.
favourite lyric from a song
I’m everlasting; I can go on for days and days,
Everybody and anything but always my peoples in the ATL who are grinding to be heard on every level possible on a daily
Who are your past & present icons?
thenublack philosophy/mantra according to Goldi Gold
Learn every bit of the rules. Then change the game with it in your own favour.
Check me out:
Ali Muhammad- The creator of 21st century hustle magazine. The action he took with the magazine and site just helped provide a vision for what I was always doing on a daily basis with any venture that I was involved in.
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