iam:inspired – Mr. V

Told you Music 101 was going to be back…and boy is it back. I reached out to the musical community (aka my FB and Twitter Friends) and asked them to shed light on the music that inspires them and also to share a little bit about themselves.

The ever so talented Mr.V (he sings/blogs and wears bowties – that’s TALENT as far as I’m concerned, lol) shares his love for an artist who I don’t think I’ve featured on thenublack so this is a first 🙂

Enjoy x

My name is Kojo Vihram aka Go Go Gadget Mr V. I’m a musician (singer/songwriter) and what started as a hobby growing up became something I decided to take seriously in may late teens. I started off listening to Gospel, being the son of a preacher, that’s where my roots stem from. Naturally that brought me into Soul and R&B music. Till this day those genres of music will always have a piece of my heart, but honestly I became bored. I was searching for something that was different, I felt I was put in a bubble of the genre of music I was listening to and didn’t feel that I could be much more creative ,also in terms of subject matter in which to write about.

In early 2002, simply just by accident I came across one of my favorite and most inspiring artist to date. It had been a long time from when I got Goosebumps from listening to music and making all hairs on my back stand up. This young was much more than just a musician and a very talented one at that. He something to say, something inspiring, thoughtful, profound and spoke on subject that as a singer I couldn’t have imagined how words like that could be put into song. So I became obsessed. I began to search everything on everything on and about him. Form that moment on I aspired and wanted so much to be as innovative as he was. His name is K-Os.

K-Os (real name Kevin Bereton) is originally from Canada and started as a Hip Hop artist. His spans different genres of music from Hip Hop to alternative, Rock, Reggae and Funk. His song writing skills are beyond me. Talking on subjects focusing on a positive message and talking on the matters of the changed world of Hip Hop as we know it, the obsession with money, fame, the glorifying of gun culture. K-Os’ message is simply to inspire and with the release of his 1st album in 2002, “Exit” my world began to change. And here is one of the video that did just that.

Music NOW, lets me believe that there is so much more that what is outside of my bubble and with much experimentation I can see things in a different eye.
